Do you have any laptops available for checkout?


The library has laptops available for student checkout on a first come, first served basis.  In Fall 2021, laptops and other equipment will be checked out to students for three weeks at a time (after three weeks, you'll need to return the laptop to the library, but you can choose to check it out again if it is still needed).

To find out if laptops or other technology items you may need are currently available for checkout, visit the circulation desk in the library (be sure to bring your CINO ID to check items out). You can also ask about availability of laptops and other equipment on the library's chat service or by calling the library front desk at (843)349-2400.

For more information, send an email to the library's Access Services department at to ask and they will be able to assist you.  

Other items that may be available for checkout include:


Digital Cameras

Memory Card Readers


Mini Projectors

Voice Recorders


Go Pros

External DVD drives

  • Last Updated Apr 20, 2023
  • Views 220
  • Answered By Allison Faix

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